HOLLAND, Mich. -- The Holland Department of Public Safety says a man who fell while assembling a carnival ride outside the Holland Civic Center this morning has been airlifted to a hospital with serious, but non-life threatening injuries.
It happened just before 11:30. Officers and firefighters from the HDPS responded.
"Based on our preliminary investigation out at the scene, it appears the victim had been climbing an extension ladder up against the Ferris while while assembling it. And while climbing up the ladder, he lost his footing and fell. Responding officers were told by him that he had had his safety harness on, but for some reason it failed to stop his fall. And then on his way down, he struck a couple of components which is likely, in part, what caused the injury," Capt. Buursma told WOOD Radio.
AMR Paramedics successfully stabilized the victim but, based on the nature of the injuries, he was air-lifted to Spectrum Health by West Michigan Air Care with serious, but non-life threatening injuries.
Skerbeck Entertainment Group operates the carnival as part of the Tulip Time festival.