LANSING, Mich. -- The Michigan Legislature's Joint Capital Outlay Committee has approved more than $23 million dollars in state grants for 45 projects statewide.
The proposed appropriations will now head to the full Senate and state house for consideration.
They were recommended by the Natural Resources Trust Fund Board. Some of the funds will be used for the Ottawa Sands County Park loop trail near Spring Lake. Republican State Senator Mark Huizenga tells WOOD Radio money will be available for a 127-acre dune site north of the Rosy Mound Natural Area in Grand Haven.
"When they put it all together, it will be a 291-acre park right on Lake Michigan," he said.
Huizenga represents the 30th state Senate District. He says grant funding will be going to Kent County, as well.
"We've got Grand Rogue Park, which is going to give a kayak launch along the Grand River, including restrooms, an access path, parking lot, sidewalks and fences. We're excited about that," Huizenga said, adding that some funding can be used for land acquistion."
Huizenga says the grant funding has bipartisan support. He points out the funding does not come from taxpayer dollars but from minerals that are extracted in Michigan."
"Those funds garner interest. And an independent, nonpartisan committee makes a determination where the funds go. Municipalities have a chance to offer this as a chance to enhance the parks and recreations. It's a great way to use state resources to make our community better."