WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News


Seniors, low-income, disabled eligible to apply for Home Heating Credit

LANSING, Mich. -- If you need help with your energy bills, the Michigan Department of Treasury says you can now apply for the Home Heating Credit.

Low-income, deaf, disabled or blind persons, disabled veterans and senior citizens may qualify for it. You can apply through the e-File system.

Forms and instructional materials are available on the internet at Michigan.gov/IncomeTax or by calling 517-636-4486. Forms are also available at many libraries, Northern Michigan post offices, and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) offices across the state.

All applications for the credit must be received by Sept. 30, 2023.

"While it may be March, heating season is still in full force as we navigate yet another chilly Michigan spring," said State Treasurer Rachael Eubanks in a Treasury Department news release. "This credit can provide assistance on heating bills during our cold seasons, allowing individuals to spend their hard-earned dollars on other necessities. Please don't hesitate to seek out assistance if you think you're eligible."

Over the last five years, around 257,500 claimants each year have received the Home Heating Credit, with an average credit of $209.

Additional information can be found on the Home Heating Credit website. For more information about resources available for heating assistance, go to Michigan.gov/HeatingAssistance.

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