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GRPD Chief Winstrom presents update on Strategic Plan to commissioners

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Eric Winstrom was sworn in as Grand Rapids Police Chief nearly a year ago, and he says he still is almost as busy now as he was when he first took the job.

He gave a presentation to the City Commission's Committee of the Whole today on his department's three-year strategic plan. He says one objective is to boost community engagement.

"Communication about crime and criminal incidents continues to improve, and we're looking to improve victim services," Winstrom said. "Especially with survivors of domestic violence."

Chief Winstrom says the G-R-P-D's priorities in the Strategic Plan are safety, innovation and engagement.

"I'm not exhausted. I'm energized, I'm optimistic because of the support I've gotten from the community, city leadership and from the department," Winstrom said.

He added that GRPD wants to be the gold standard in policing, but to get there it will have to keep building trust, reduce crime, bring justice to victims, and recruit/retain great employees.

Key updates to the Grand Rapids Police Department Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026 include:

  • Prioritize building a police and community partnership founded on trust​
  • Seek full staffing, recognizing the need for diversity, to ensure optimum public safety for the people of Grand Rapids
  • Focus on crime prevention and reducing violent acts throughout the community in creative and innovative ways​
  • Educate, engage, and communicate how GRPD services and enforcement are delivered; provide ongoing, meaningful opportunities for community dialogue as policing practices evolve
  • Ensure transparency and accountability​
  • Partner with crisis intervention, mental health, housing and healthcare specialists to better match resources with calls for service to improve outcomes for those in crisis and help keep the focus of patrol officers on crime response, proactive policing tactics and community engagement​
  • Increase youth outreach​
  • Focus training for new and veteran officers on de-escalation techniques, recognizing and overcoming implicit biases and understanding cultural differences that can impact police interactions​
  • Increase efficiency and processes to optimize neighborhood policing strategies and provide cost-effective service delivery

### [Screen capture from City of GR]

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