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Trauma expert at Starr Commonwealth talks about impact of mass shootings

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Dealing with the aftermath of a mass shooting such as the one at Michigan State University on Monday night can be difficult for those even remotely impacted.

Dr. Caelan Soma [[SHAY'-lun SOH'-ma]] is the chief clinical officer at Starr Commonwealth in Albion. She talked to WOOD Radio about some of the feelings people might experience:

"So, the symptoms and reactions that are very common feel a lot like anxiety. So, just a lot of worry, a lot of fear, a lot of hyper-vigilance. Maybe feeling jumpy or nervous. Difficulty focusing, paying attention," Dr. Soma said.

She said the first step is validating the feeling that this was a very scary situation that elicited an acute stress response for many people.

“You begin to relate to what those kids experienced and put yourself in their position,” Soma said. “ Even if you are safe at home, understand the person is no longer a threat and logically know the danger has passed, you can take on a lot of those symptoms and reactions as well. ”

Dr. Soma, or Cae (pronounced Shay) as she goes by, has more than 20 years of experience in trauma. She tells us it is important for people to normalize the symptoms and reactions people will have after an event such as the active-shooter situation at MSU.

"It could be students on campus. It could be their families that are far away," she said. "Even people that can relate to what those students and families must be dealing with."

A news release sent to WOOD Radio expands on that:

Those stress hormones can continue to roil in our bodies for weeks, keeping us on a high state of alert with fear and worry. Cae says the next step is to find things that make you feel safe – and that can have little to do with logic.

“Telling yourself that the police have the shooter, he can’t hurt anyone anymore, that everyone is safe and lockdown is over isn’t helpful,” Cae notes. “What you have to do is help your body return to a state of balance.”

That can differ person by person, but Cae says it often comes back to connecting with people – hearing the voice of a loved one, spending time with friends, being able to discuss what happened and how you are feeling and then hearing others are feeling the same way. Other body-based ways to help you feel comfort and safety might include cozying up to watch a movie, listening to music, baking cookies, going for a walk or anything that helps you get your body back in balance.

“Our stress response is intense anxiety, and telling people to chill out doesn’t help,” she says. “They need to feel their body is chilling out and experiencing a sense of safety. It doesn’t matter how old you are.”

### [Photo courtesy: Starr Commonwealth - Dr. Cae Soma]


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