WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News


Kent County Road Commission crews work on storm cleanup

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- It is the calm after the storm in West Michigan, now that the first blizzard in a decade is in the history books.

Now, people have to shovel their driveways or sidewalks, and Kent County Road Commission crews are cleaning up snow on state roads, county primary roads and local roads today. They will get to neighborhoods tomorrow (Tuesday).

The KCRC said does not intend to chemically remove all the snow, because rising temperatures forecast this week will help with that. Instead, crews will concentrate on scraping off and pushing back accumulated snow. They will also apply de-icing materials on county roads along hills, stops and curves.

The Kent County Road Commission offices are closed Monday.

The KCRC also offers this advice:

  • Motorists beware: “the calm after the storm” is often when accidents increase because motorists begin to increase speeds and lose control. Roads are much improved but remain icy and slow speeds are still required. Please drive for conditions.
  • Remember to keep children far away from the road. Do not allow them to play/tunnel in accumulated snowbanks where it is difficult for plow drivers to see them.


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