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WOOD Radio Local News


New state numbers show over 41,000 total confirmed COVID-19 cases

Lansing, Mich. (WOOD) -- New data from the state show Michigan's coronavirus case count has risen above 41,000.

Numbers released Thursday show the state has recorded 980 more cases of COVID-19, bringing the case tally up to 41,379.

The state on Thursday also confirmed another 119 coronavirus-related deaths, pushing Michigan's death toll up to 3,789. The state noted, however, that 40 of those deaths were confirmed in an analysis of death certificates, which means they did not only happen between Wednesday and Thursday.

Kent County is currently seeing the highest coronavirus numbers of any county in west Michigan, with a total of 1,479 cases and 33 deaths. However, those numbers are still much lower than the amount of cases and deaths recorded in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties, which are the counties in southeast Michigan that have been hit the hardest by the pandemic.

As of Friday, April 24th, 8,342 Michiganders had recovered from the virus. That number is updated weekly.

To see the state's latest COVID-19 data, visit michigan.gov/coronavirus || More at WOODTV.com.

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