After explaining on Twitter that she would never condone any kind of violence toward the President & was simply mocking the 'Mocker in Chief' Kathy Griffin has realized she went way too far.
Supporters from both the left & the right called out the comic including Donald Trump Jr & Chelsea Clinton:
Kathy Griffin took to Twitter to admit she had crossed the line and asked for forgiveness:
Even with the apology, it doesn't look like the backlash is ending any time soon. The Secret Service responded that they are looking into a potential investigation and following Anderson Cooper (Kathy's co-host for CNN's New Years program every year) tweeting his disgust, CNN has said they are evaluating whether they will be continuing their relationship with the comic:
Statement from CNN:
We found what she did disgusting and offensive. We are pleased to see she has apologized and asked that the photos be taken down. We are evaluating New Year’s Eve and have made no decisions at this point.