West Michigan's Morning News

West Michigan's Morning News

Steve Kelly has been at the forefront of local radio in West Michigan for over a quarter century. He's a devout family man, tireless advocate for mental health, and loves to inform and entertain.


Beware Of New Google Documents Phishing Scam

It started yesterday afternoon and soon users were Facebook'ing, Tweeting & messaging warnings about opening a Google Documents that look suspicious.

Users get an email that makes it look like someone you know wants to share a document with you, but when you open it, it's a dangerous malware. Many of the 'send to' addresses look like this: 


If users click the link in the email they're taken to a Google window and prompted to grant access to their entire Google account, giving hackers access to lots of personal information. 

Multiple news outlets reported getting these emails and at least one Senate office had to send a warning to their staff from IT to not open the email.

Here's an example of what an email might look like: 

Google is investigating the accounts associated with the phishing attempt and as of last night, the company says they disabled the accounts that were trying to access user's information.

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