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Kristina Karamo, candidate for Secretary of State, joins in to talk about the illegal ballot harvesting that happened in 2020.
Also Drew Robbins talks about his run for Grand Rapids City Commission.
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The Big Three 9-7-22
1 Nuclear secrets. That’s what a leak to the Washington Post says was found during the raid at Trump’s home in Mar-a-lago.
The FBI found extremely sensitive information at Donald Trump’s home.
But it wasn’t our nuke secrets or even codes like they once floated.
Details about a foreign government’s nuclear capabilities and top secret U.S. operations, according to WAPO.
This news comes just days after a federal judge appointed a third party attorney to go over the 13,000 items being reviewed by the government seized at the raid.
It also puts a pause on the potential criminal investigation.
2 13 minutes. That’s how long the video is that was released yesterday showing alleged ballot harvesting in Michigan.
3 Emails show CDC and White House REGULARLY DISCUSSED CENSORSHIP with social media...
The CDC passed misinformation to Facebook as the partners worked to combat misinformation, according to newly released emails, in the most recent example of CDC officials making false or misleading claims.
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