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The Big Three 9-6-22
1 One of the suspects in Canada’s mass stabbing event this weekend.
The other suspect, his 31-year-old brother, was found dead yesterday.
10 people were killed and 18 injured Sunday in Saskatchewan at the James Smith Cree Nation and in a nearby village.
It’s one of Canada’s deadliest cases of mass violence.
2 New study on Ivermectin claims big news!
A new peer-reviewed study found that regular use of ivermectin reduced the risk of dying from COVID-19 by 92%.
The peer-reviewed study was published on Wednesday by the online medical journal Cureus. The study was conducted on a strictly controlled population of 88,012 people from the city of Itajaí in Brazil.
Individuals who used ivermectin as prophylaxis or took the medication before being infected by COVID experienced significant reductions in death and hospitalization.
3 A federal judge in Florida has ruled that a special master or their party attorney will review the 13,000 items taken from President Trump’s home by the FBI last month.
The special master will be looking for documents potentially protected by attorney-client or executive privilege.
The government can’t use what it took in its investigation until the review is finished.
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