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Radicals are trying to get insane bills through, but the board of canvassers has stopped them, and now it's onto the courts.
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The Big Three 9-1-22
1 The Michigan Board of Canvassers rejected two radical ballot proposals on Wednesday.
Both the abortion initiative that would allow radical proposals like removing parental consent from medical procedures for minors and late term abortions and an extreme election proposal that would make permanent many of the problems that caused questions with the 2020 election We’re rejected.
The election issue would allow nine days of in-person early voting, state-funded absentee ballot postage and drop boxes in every community among others.
The four-member board split 2-2, with Democrats voting to certify the initiatives and two Republicans voting against.
The groups who gathered signatures for both are expected to appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court.
Groups have seven business days to appeal and the ballot must be finalized by Sept. 9.
2 An important hearing is happening today in the wake of the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago.
President Trump is seeking a “special master”
3 A water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, has left residents with no running water, hospitals without air conditioning and moved schools online. Last week, flooding of the Pearl River after heavy rains impacted the treatment processes at the city’s main water facility. Now, there’s not enough water pressure to serve some 180,000 people, officials said. As crews work to get the water treatment plant back online, members of the National Guard are distributing bottled water, state officials said, but those efforts appeared unsustainable Tuesday. The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency said there will be several mega distribution sites with 36 truckloads of water available each day for the public beginning Thursday.
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