$100M Woodland Mall renovation to cater to upscale shoppers

In just two years, Woodland Mall in Kentwood will look a lot different thanks to a $100 million investment by its owner.

The renovation comes the Woodland Sears, which has been an anchor store since the 28th Street mall opened in 1968, is set to close April 2. The addition of its replacement, Von Maur, will kick start an expansion of the mall’s west wing, where between 10 and 15 retailers will be added. A second anchor for the west wing has not yet been announced.

Woodland Mall Marketing Director Lyndsey Hicks said the mall’s owner, Philadelphia-based investment real estate firm PREIT, has been selling lower-tier properties for several years to fund multimillion-dollar projects at its higher-performing properties — like Woodland.

Hicks said the investment is designed to expand on an already upscale shopping experience at the mall.

“There’s a different level when you talk about shopping. There’s a level of higher-end fashion where you want to come in and you want to experience materials, experience fabric. It’s not something that you’re going and spending less than $100 on,” Hicks said.

She the mall has access to that shopping demographic, with clientele from nearby Ada and Cascade townships.

The expansion is motivated not only by a continued push to give shoppers a high-end experience, but also to compete with online shopping.

“You’ll see a lot of stores having you can buy it online but you can pick it up in the store,” Hicks explained, adding that encourages foot traffic.

The renovation vision isn’t just for the mall’s interior.

“We’re going to redo all the parking lots, the exterior. All the facade is going to be updated,” Hicks said.

Additionally, five to six more restaurants will be installed next to Celebration! Cinema.

That full renovation is expected to be complete sometime in 2019.

Read the entire WOOD TV article here

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