WYOMING, Mich. -- A grassroots initiative that supports people suffering homelessness or domestic violence is getting underway this week.
The 11th annual Purse Project begins with a public drop-off Thursday at Marge's Donut Den in Wyoming and runs through Nov. 19th. Marge's is located at 1751 28th St SW, west of Burlingame Avenue.
You can fill a purse, tote or backpack with personal products and gifts. Before the holiday, they will be donated to the women and men being served by Degage Ministries and Mel Trotter Ministries.
Sabo PR provided a video from last year's event. In it, founder Denise Kolesar says she created Purse Project to honor the memory of her sister Valerie, who was homeless when she died in 1993 at the age of 37 years old.
"And when we received her purse, it had three things in it: It had a picture of my 2-year-old son, a picture of Jesus and the FedEx envelope in which I had sent her cash," Kolesar said.
Some sample items that people include in their donated purse or backpack for women are lip gloss, facial tissues, a comb, a mirror, gloves, a hat, or a scarf. A list of men's items are posted at the bottom of this article. Besides those items, some people include a small packet that may include things like pencil and a notebook, a deck of cards, a snack or a water bottle.
"By the end of the project, we get between 150 purses, maybe 150 backpacks and I think (in 2022) we did almost 80 pairs of pajamas," Kolesar said.
Purse Project also is accepting donations of personal products and home essentials to help stock the Bingo Store at Care Resources.
Here are more details from a Sabo PR news release:
The West Michigan community is again invited to support those experiencing homelessness and seniors through Purse Project 2024, a grassroots community initiative.
Now in its 11th year, Purse Project asks for giving-minded individuals to buy and fill a purse, tote or backpack with personal products, other essentials and gifts that will be donated to the women and men being served by Degage Ministries and Mel Trotter Ministries before the holidays. The initiative is also asking for new pajamas for the women who find a temporary home at Degage.
Last year, Purse Project also began accepting donations of personal products, home essentials and gifts to help stock the Bingo Store at Care Resources, a community-based program that provides wrap-around services to help seniors stay independent and living in their own homes.
“As we enter the season focused on giving back to those in need, we’re delighted to again open Purse Project to the giving hearts of those in West Michigan,” said Purse Project founder Denise Kolesar. “As cold weather descends on our community, we’re asking for donations to bring some added warmth and joy to those living on the streets. We also want to make the holidays a little brighter for seniors living on fixed incomes.
“Purse Project offers a simple way for individuals, families, churches, schools and other organizations to come together in the spirit of giving and show care and concern. We appreciate all donations, large and small, as do the organizations we support.”
Kolesar created Purse Project to honor the memory of her sister Valerie, who was homeless when she died in 1993 at the age of 37 years old. Legal authorities returned all that was left from Valerie: a filthy dirty purse with a picture of Kolesar’s first son, a picture of Jesus and the FedEx envelope with cash that Kolesar had sent her sister.
Haunted by that image, Kolesar began collecting and filling gently used purses and donating them to women on the streets in Grand Rapids. In 2013, she enlisted the support of friends and colleagues, who have helped Purse Project grow.
This year, Purse Project is looking for:
New purses or totes for women that can be filled with the following recommended items, as well as gift cards and other donations:
Kleenex® or tissues
Small water bottle
Hand sanitizer
Miniature sizes of lotion
Body wash
Warm socks
Snack bars
Hand warmers
ChapStick® or lip balm
Hygiene products
Personal care products
Notepad and pen
New backpacks for men that can be filled with the following recommended items, as well as gift cards and other donations:
Body wash/soap
Wet Ones® or wipes
Kleenex® or tissues
Small water bottle
Hand warmers
Purse Project is also accepting new pajamas for women, sizes large and up.
“Filled purses, totes and backpacks really show care and support for those in need,” Kolesar explained. “They are filled with simple necessities and distributed to those women and men being served by Degage and Mel Trotter. As one of their organizers once told me, ‘A purse, tote or backpack beats a garbage bag when your home is on the street.’
“Pajamas are given to the women being served by Degage. Imagine coming in from the cold and being given a new pair of clean pajamas. They can give a woman a bit of hope.”
Care Resources, which offers respite care and support through its day center in Grand Rapids, is asking for donations to its Bingo Store, which offers prizes to seniors. The nonprofit is looking for:
AA batteries
Adult coloring books
Body lotion
Coloring pencils
Costume jewelry
Large-print word searches
Picture frames
Playing cards
Puzzles (300-500 pieces)
Hair accessories
Men’s cologne
Men’s shaving cream
Women’s perfume
Purse Project is also accepting donations of items to help fill in purses, backpacks and totes, including:
Small note pads
Mechanical pencils / pens
Playing cards
Small bottles of water
Chapstick® or lip balm
Small bottles of lotion
Kleenex ® or tissues
Starting on Thursday, November 14, donations can be dropped off at Marge’s Donut Den, 1751 28th St. SW in Wyoming daily during regular business hours through Tuesday, Nov. 19. All donations will be delivered on Wednesday, Nov. 20.
For those unable to buy and donate requested items, each organization will also accept monetary donations to support their participants and programs.
“We are fortunate and thankful that Marge Wilson, owner of Marge’s Donut Den, is hosting the on-site collection starting this week,” Kolesar said. “Marge’s is open from 4 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 6 a.m.-2 p.m. on Sunday. Marge’s Donut Den will be open late on our community-wide drop-off day on Tuesday, Nov. 19 until 7 p.m. This will be the final day to donate this year.”
About Purse Project
Purse Project began back in December 2013 with a simple asking of friends to put together gently used purses for women escaping domestic violence being supported by Safe Haven Ministries. They were also distributed at food lines in downtown Grand Rapids. Since that time, Purse Project has collected and donated more than 1,500 stuffed purses and 650 backpacks, as well as more than 240 pairs of pajamas and nearly 80 pairs of slippers. The organization has also collected nearly 60 pillow cases for the NICU Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. In 2023, Purse Project began collecting bingo prizes for seniors being served through Care Resources. You may connect with us through our Facebook page.
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Purse Project Denise Kolesar speaking at last year's event inside the drop-off site, Marge's Donut Den.
Some of the backpacks, totes and purses dropped off for donation at the 2023 Purse Project event in Wyoming, Mi.