Grand Rapids Memorial Day Parade steps off at 10 a.m. Saturday

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- The annual Grand Rapids Memorial Day Parade will get underway Saturday at 10 a.m. on Lyon Street between Monroe and Ottawa avenues.

Memorial Day is being observed this year on Monday, May 27. It is a federal holiday that honors and mourns the American military members who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Captain Paul Ryan chairs the West Michigan Veterans Coalition. He said on West Michigan's Morning News that the parade is being held a little early this year, so people have time to pay their respects.

"Americans today get a lot of distractions around the day of sales and games and barbecues and things. Welcome to do that, but come out and be with us for a couple hours at the beginning of (the weekend), to remember what it's really like," Ryan said.

The parade lineup will begin at 9:30 a.m. Saturday on Lyon Street, between Monroe and Ottawa avenues.

The 9th annual Armed Forces Thanksgiving last Friday was a sold-out event that featured a military salute on the lawn outside the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. And a luncheon was held at the J.W. Marriott. The keynote speaker was Colonel Kim "KC" Campbell.

"The West Michigan Veterans Coalition's primary source of funding is revenue received from Armed Forces Thanksgiving which, in turn, they get from their table sponsors.

"We couldn't do what we do without that funding," Ryan said. "Since inception in 2019, over $110,000 has been given to veterans and military families for a wide variety of needs in the area. We've given out 107 scholarships since our scholarship program was established the same year.

"In December 2020, we established a transportation program free of charge ... for veterans, family members and their caregivers," Ryans said.

Nearly 600 rides have been provided since then in Kent County. The organization also has helped 2,200 families dealing with food insecurity through its Share-A-Meal program.

"It takes money and it takes partnerships. Armed Forces Thanksgiving is great at both," Ryan said.

He added that the need is greater than ever for military families, and the Share-A-Meal and Assistance Fund programs are ways to contribute.


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