National Human Trafficking Month: How Wedgwood helps those in need

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- This is National Human Trafficking Month.

Wedgwood Christian Services in Grand Rapids helps those who may be potential victims of human trafficking. Here is a website link to its residential services.

Brianne Gardner is an assistant supervisor for Wedgwood Christian's residential program. She says they accept people who are struggling in their home life or in situations where abuse is taking place.

For example, teenagers who are involved in activities like trading sex for money.

"Or, anything of value. They may have marks on their bodies, they may be running away from home. Or traveling frequent amounts," Gardner said.

Other red flags might be that their performance in school is declining, their hygiene changes or they may have new clothes or large amounts of money. Wedgwood provides individual treatment and group therapy, and offers life skills and recovery groups for those struggling with substance abuse.

"We offer family therapy for the client and with their parents, if they are returning. We also do a lot of community activities to help the client become integrated back into the community, and show them a sober way of living. Or, a healthy way of coping," Gardner said.

Wedgwood also provides schooling for kids who've dropped out can get caught up with their studies and earn credits toward graduation.


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