Area car dealership break-ins continue with Monday night burglary


by:Joe LaFurgey

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) —Police say the run of auto dealership break-ins continued in metro Grand Rapids Monday night, frustrating both dealers and police.

Detectives said at least three stolen vehicles, two BMWs and an Infiniti were found abandoned outside a commercial business and an alleyway off of Evergreen Street SE east of Eastern Avenue SE Tuesday morning.

More 28th Street dealerships may have been targeted.

Infiniti of Grand Rapids says burglars broke into the dealership sometime after closing Monday according to manager Scott Hoek. They got the keys to one lease return in the lot and a new vehicle inside the dealership.

Then thieves didn’t even bother opening a garage door to the showroom, instead drove it right through the glass panel door.

The series of break-ins, which includes at least six over the weekend, has frustrated dealers an detectives.


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