Vets honored, lessons learned on Veterans Day

The Byron Township World War II monument, taken down years ago after West Michigan weather took a toll on the original wood structure, was rededicated on Veterans Day.

“We kind of rediscovered it at the Byron Center Historical Society’s archives. We found some pictures of the old, original World War II sign,” Doug Tubergen of the Byron Center Historical Society explained Monday. “Most of the old original sign, nobody knows whatever happened to that. So the committee decided we’re going to do a permanent, granite sign.”

Some $10,000 was raised by the Historical Society and American Legion Post 292 to place the new monument at the Byron Township Hall. This time, the 305 names of Byron Township residents who fought in World War II, including 14 who were killed in action, are etched in granite so future generations won’t forget their sacrifice.

“People don’t know because it’s not there in front of them anymore to learn from,” Tubergen said.

The rededication ceremony at Byron Township Hall included those several generations removed from the war: students from Brown Elementary in Byron Center.

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