Business owner considers legal action over leaking roof

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — A restaurant owner may take legal action after closing its Eastown location due to a leaking roof.  

Kelvin & Co. Urban BBQ & Cateringclosed earlier this weekafter just a few months of business, citing“structural issues at our leased space.”

The restaurant’s owner, Mark Nieuwenhuis said the roof has been leaking since before he signed the lease.

Therefore, Nieuwenhuis made sure there was specific language in the contract that holds the building’s owners responsible for fixing and maintaining the structure.  

“One of the first pages of the lease was to make sure the roof was fixed prior to taking tenancy of the space,” Nieuwenhuis said. “That’s the only reason I signed the lease in the first place.” 

Nieuwenhuis showed News 8 the official lease agreement.

However, he asked News 8 not publish the contract or photos and videos of the flooding due to potential litigation.  

The lease agreement for the property at 1450 Wealthy St. SE in Grand Rapids names Pasta Provisionaires LLC, and Ryan Raredon as the owners.  

After several attempts to get in contact with Raredon, he sent an email response stating, “We will have comment at the appropriate time.” 

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