Could Your Testosterone Level Be Linked To Contracting A Chronic Disease?

A male’s total testosterone level may be linked to more than just sexual health and muscle mass preservation, a new study finds. Low amounts of the hormone could also be associated with chronic disease, even among men 40 years of age and younger.

“If we look at data for men from a population level, it has become evident over time that chronic disease is on the rise in older males,” says Mark Peterson, Ph.D., M.S., FACSM, lead author of the study and assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Michigan Medicine. “But we’re also finding that a consequence of being obese and physically inactive is that men are seeing declines in testosterone even at younger ages.”

Published in Scientific Reports, Peterson and colleagues studied this relationship among testosterone, age and chronic disease.

More information can be found at here

Dr Naveed from the Grand Rapids Men's Health Clinic dropped by West Michigan Live to discuss this study and what you can do to fight it

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