Fire destroys home of woman plagued by illness

HEATH TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WOOD) — A Hamilton-area woman battling a disorder that has perplexed doctors arrived home Wednesday night to find flames shooting from her house.

After a two-year battle with cancer, Debbie Boverhov recently had a tumor removed. She has also been dealing with a disease that creates ulcers and sores on her tongue, throat and inside of her mouth. The blisters can be so painful she can't eat, and doctors don't know what's causing them.

"She's got all these other ailments, just one more thing to fight — and now this," her husband David Boverhof told 24 Hour News 8 outside their destroyed home.

Charred debris, a burned truck and collapsing walls mark the property on Kricky Lane off 135th Avenue in Heath Township.

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