Victims say abuse by former teacher goes back 50 years

ELTA COUNTY, Mich. (WOOD) — Prosecutors from the Upper Peninsula and Muskegon are hoping women who were victims of sexual assault by a former teacher as long as 50 years ago will come forward. 

Morgan Tatrow, the man accused of criminal sexual conduct against children, was a teacher for 30 years in Muskegon County. 

Now, another half-dozen women have come forward saying they were molested by the elementary school teacher who retired in 1992 from the Reeths-Puffer School District

Brett Gardner was an assistant prosecutor in Muskegon County who took the job in Escanaba as the Delta County prosecutor. 

One of his first cases was reviewing the case against Tatrow, a township supervisor who was accused of second-degree criminal sexual conduct that was in the process of being pleaded down to a misdemeanor. 

Full story: WOOD TV

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