Bio Labs in Ukraine Confirmed? - FULL SHOW 3-9-22

A young woman doctor studies the Covid-19 vaccine in the lab

Photo: Getty Images

Russia says there are dangers in Ukrainian Bio Labs, the U.S. says there aren't. Who do you believe?

Garret Soldano joins in to talk about the gas tax amid rising oil prices.

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The Big Three 3-9-22

1 Biden announced a ban on Russian oil, natural gas and coal imports to the US in a bid to further pressure Russia’s economy at the risk of even higher gas prices at home.

The UK and EU both announced less immediate Russian oil and gas cutoffs.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military has agreed to a 12-hour ceasefire with Russia today to allow civilians to escape through humanitarian corridors. However, Ukrainian forces are wary of the pact.

2 Gov. Whitmer joins a list of 5 others that support freezing the federal gas tax.

But she doesn’t support temporarily freezing the state’s 27.2-cents-per-gallon gas tax, which funds construction work, or the 6% sales tax on fuel.

3 It was once just a conspiracy theory but now it’s been confirmed. The US has / had bio labs in Ukraine.

Meanwhile Reuters reports “Russia demanded on Wednesday that the United States explain to the world why it had supported what Moscow cast as a military biological programme in Ukraine involving deadly pathogens including plague and anthrax.”

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