App notifies road commissions of hazards to rivers

NEWAYGO, Mich. (WOOD) — Cars drive over them, fish swim beneath them and everything that happens in between can become problematic at times. 

Road-stream crossings, one often closely impacts the other. Trout Unlimited has developed a new app that can help both the river and the road with your help.

Collecting useful information for researchers has been simplified. All you need is a smart phone, an app and a geo-stamped picture.

The app is called Survey123 for ArcGIS. A survey within called RIVERS is where the data collection happens.

“If folks have a tool where they can effectively document and share issues, those issues are more likely to be addressed and more likely to be addressed in a reasonable timeframe,” said Trout Unlimited Eastern Angler Science Coordinator Jake Lemon. “It’s up to, often, up to citizens to alert authorities when these types of issues are occurring.”

The app only simplifies the reporting process and it’s already led to change in Newaygo County.

View the full story on WOOD TV

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