Snyder marks Paw Paw’s Rising Tide ‘graduation’

PAW PAW, Mich. (WOOD) — For the past three years, Gov. Rick Snyder has been trying to bring economic development and guidance to rural towns and villages using a program called Rising Tide.

Ten municipalities across the state were selected for intense support from all areas of state government to help create long-term blueprints for healthier communities.

On Monday, a ceremony was held in Paw Paw to signify the village’s successful completion the Rising Tide curriculum and “graduation” to the next step, implementation.

“We have so many wonderful smaller communities … but they have challenges and I think we can be more proactive about helping them and that’s what this is,” Snyder told 24 Hour News 8. “It’s not to have us do things for them but to have them help themselves by providing people support — some finical support, but it’s really sending people to supplement their needs in economic development, talent development and community development.”

As part of Rising Tide, a large building in Paw Paw will receive hundreds of thousands of dollars for a renovation project transforming it into a mixed-use building with business and living areas.

Full Story on WOODTV8

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